Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sci-Fri & Super Slipper Spelling Friday

Thanks goodness it is the weekend!!!!  Lot's of things calling my name.....Long Vowel flip chart, long vowel word highlighter pages for word work, Fast Phrases to get ready & get Leap School Tag readers ready all by laundry & the infamous grocery shopping (that may wait till Monday).  I think I want to catch up on some Tivo & In Touch & Nicholas Sparks on the NOOK tomorrow!!!!

So yesterday I started Sci-Fri (Science Friday).  Every Friday before our Science lesson, I will do an experiment with the students & they will record their hypothesis & conclusion.  Got this great idea from another blog (can't take full credit).  The students also have a 3 prong folder which is their Sci-Fri Journal.  This weeks experiment was Dancing Raisins!!!!  Boy the excitement!!!!  I love Science.

The ingredients for the experiment (cups, Sprite, raisins)

Sci-Fri Journal

Recording page that then went in their Journal

Getting ready to experiment

Pop, fizz, dancing all around

Still DANCING!!!!

Super Spelling Slippers......
All my slipper spellers

We read Fancy Nancy Splendid Speller, talks about not looking on other people's papers & taking your time.  Beginning of a new semester, they need to be reminded.  So now every Friday they can wear their slippers while taking their Spelling, Fundations & Words their Way tests.  They put them on before their test & keep their regular shoes under their desk until we are done & then the slippers go back in their bookbag.  It is a big hit!!!!

Lastly on our busy Friday, we made snow globes.  They turned out very pretty.  All you need is a white circle, black trapezoid, blue water color paint, glue & glitter.  Students draw a snow related can color in with white b/c when you paint with blue it shows up.  Take blue water color paint & paint over their snowglobe.  When it is dry they put glue dots & sprinkle silver glitter. And then have may be the closest thing we get to snow this winter but I am NOT complaining!!!!!

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!!!  I am excited about next weekend.....we have Groundhog Day & the 100th Day of School & we are starting learning about Inferencing.  Plus I get to wear my 100 Day shirt, where I got the idea from Pinterest!!!!!  Come back next week for some more fun learning experiences.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

100 Day Writing (Freebie)!!!

Thank goodness tomorrow is Thursday.  I have assessed ALL week so far.  I have 10 more kids to DIBELS & I'm DONE!!!!!  Got some things to share.....100 Day writing page.  Click on the picture to download it. 

I have also found this great idea on Pinterest & can't wait to make my shirt this weekend!!!

I got a white t-shirt at Hobby Lobby $2.00 with a 40% off coupon, transfer paper & an iron & I am ready for the 100th Day!!!!   

So excited about what is planned on Friday......Super Spelling Slippers & Sci-Fri!!!!!  Stay tuned for more details & pictures.  I am also getting ready to start teaching inferencing next week.  I have gotten some really great ideas out there from blog stalking.  Well time to work on some school things & then Modern Family.  Hope everyone has a great night & rest of the week:)

Friday, January 20, 2012

TpT Items

Whooo Hoooo for the weekend!!!!  I got my presentation done today on the Common Core-Math.  Four sessions & lots of preparing & it is DONE!!!!!! YAAAAAY!!!  That is me cheering:)

Well we have had 2 school days this week. MLK, workday & Professional development day.  So not alot in the classroom to talk about.  But did plan some good activities for Inferencing in the next couple weeks & got a lot of catch up work done yesterday. 

This week we did talk about adjectives.  We talked about how adjectives are describing words.  I gave each student some mini- marshmallows & we talked about how when we use adjectives we use our 5 senses.  This helped them come up with many describing words to list about their marshmallows.

Now the good stuff....I have put many things on my TpT store.  Please click here and check everything out.  Here are the things I have posted in there.

I Have, Who Has using Dolch word list 2-11.  Each word list is sold seperately. Here are some pics.

You can click here & get I Have, Who Has for Dolch list 1 for FREE!!!!

You can purchase a Valentine Spin & Graph Activity.  This would be great in a Math Tub/Center.  It also has a recording page, where you tally, count & graph.  Click the picture to take you to my TpT store.

Valentine Who Has More? game ......Play with a partner & compare numbers.  The 1st to fill in all their hearts is the winner!!!!  Click on the picture to go to my TpT store.

Valentine Pack of Love-  This has everything you need to celebrate Valentine's Day with your students falling in love with math.  Here are just a couple examples from my pack.  It is 28 pages made with "love."  Click on the picture to check it out in my TpT store.

Lastly I made some coloring pages to go along with when we learn about Presidents.  You can click on the picture below to download a free copy of all the coloring pages.

Now to work on report cards....such a fun & exciting Friday night.  But here it is rainy & VERY cold.  Hope this is the only snowman or sandman I see this winter.....sorry snow lovers.  This is where I'd like to be right now:)

Lastly hope you enjoy your weekend & I will be back next week hopefully with some fun & exciting things going on in 1st grade.  Of course after 3D Reading assessments Mon. & Tues.  So here is to the weekend!!!!!!  Click below.......

Rihanna - Cheers (Drink To That)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Thank goodness for 3 days weekend & 2 day school week & then a workday & PD.  Loving it!!!!  But I so need to read up on the Common Core I will be teaching on Friday.  That will what's been going on in our class....LOTS.  We wrote our New Years Resolution & made a person celebrating News Years (got the idea from my newest addiction....Pineterest)  If you haven't heard of it please check it out!!!!  You will be addicted to:) 

This week we have sorted solids in Science, learned about Verbs.  Read the book The Animal Bop,  it talks about animals & the actions they do made into a fun song (CD comes with it).  After reading it I gave each child a beanie baby & they need to come up with a verb that their animal does.  They loved those beanie babies & kept saying I can't wait to use those again.  We then went around the room & made a tree map of their animal(noun) & action (verb). 

On Friday we learned all about Martin Luther King Jr.  We read a book about his life, watched a Discovery Streaming video & then did the following art project.  If you like it, click here, for a free download of the paper for the inside.

Check out the pictures of our last 2 weeks in review. 

Making our New Year's person

Finished New Year's people with our goals for the new year & how we are going to achieve them!!!

Science-  sorting solids

More sorting

Sorting Solids

Beanie Babies we used for Nuns & Verbs

Our tree map we made

We earned a Reward Day for filling our marble we played board games the kids brought from home & made a snowpal snack out of vanilla ice cream.  One of my students did bring in a neat game, Beat the Parents, it was the class against my assistant & I.  Great game but some hard questions.....I mean I watch the Disney channel & Nick but these stumped us both!!!!!haha

Eating our snowpal friends!!!!

Our Martin Luther King Jr. art project

Where we wrote what "Our Dream" is..... click here for it.

 I had started this post back at 8:30 in the morning but am just now getting it finished.  I have found some good ideas so now I need to work on those, such as Super Spelling Slippers from Funky in 1st Grade, lots of different version of Candy Land game cards from Seusstastic Blog, & an adjective lesson from Babbling Abby at The Inspired Apple.

That is all I got this week.  Hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow if you have one & the rest of your week.  And remember "Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

TGI almost Firday!!!!!

What a week....we have been at school ALL week but it has flown by.  My students had been crazy before Christmas for like a month but OMG.....they have been WONDERFUL!!!!!!  Especially since I introduced them to a new behavior system.  We are still using the Clip Chart but now using an internet site, that comes up on my Activboard.  Click here for the website.  Got it from another teacher friend.  My kids heart it sooooo much today. 

This week we have started learning about different Parts of Speech.  This week we learned all about Nouns.  I got this great idea on Pinterest.  We listed nouns around Nick Noun.  Next week we will learn about Verbs & Vicky Verb!!!!

Here are some pictures of our week in review..........................

This week we learned about 3-D shapes.  This was an activity comparing the shapes & seeing if they can stack, roll, slide, are curvy or have flat surfaces.

Filling out recording paper.

Does this shape stack??    

Look back over the weekend, we are doing a SuPeR cute 2012 Art Project tomorrow.....I am totally excited.

Now on to my TpT store.  I have posted 4 things.  I am the trainer for Math Common Core in my county at the end of January.  I have put together some fun winter centers/ math tubs to get these teachers excited about the new Common Core!!!  Check out my units!!!  I also am posting I Have, Who Has?  for the first couple Dolch words.  There are pics below.....

I got wooden snowflakes & they can go around the room measuring different objects.

I have some winter foam objects & they can sort & then record what they have found.

Story Problems & there is a mat for them to work on.  For a little extra touch use marshmallows.
Plus many more activities with directions.  There are about 2 centers for each math strand.

Gameboard to use with addition problems(included in the pack)

Measuring with mittens & grouping by 10's.

They can use the wooden snowflakes to find different objects around the room.

Use pattern blocks to see how to make the different shapes.

Spinner & there is a recording page. They are practicing tally marks & graphing & interrupting their findings.
Many more games/tub ideas.  Enough for 2 per strand.

2nd Grade

Odd & Even numbers.  They look at the number & decide if it is odd or even & drop it in the correct bag.  Also they need to add the numbers & determine whether it is odd or even.

Choose a 3 digit number & then record on you paper.

Survey classmates & then practice creating their own graph.

I have, Who has!!!  This uses the first couple Dolch Words.

Now off to watch my guilty pleasure......Jersery Shore.  Got done just in time 10:00pm!!!!  Hope everyone has a great Friday & weekend!!!!