When I started summer I had a major to-do list. I have finished almost everything excpet some school things, which I hope to finish in the next 2 weeks. Summer: the warmest season of the year. That's definition in the dictionary & boy has summer lived up to it's definition. But I am not complaining b/c the heat is better than the dreaded SNOW DAYS!!!! So as you are getting ready to start back to school here are some good finds!!!
Touch lights...they can be found at the The Dollar Tree. Got this idea from a friend....you can use these when sounding out words. Touch each light for each sound in a word. As you say the sound the light lights up.
Pirate cup & pencils (Party City $0.99 & pencils $1.99) Perfecr for your Pirate Theme
Toy pirate chest (Party City $6.99) I am gonna use it at Open House to put candy & rings in.
Pirate rings found on Ebay. I have soooo many so I have decided to do pirates for 2 yrs unless I find another theme I am in love with:)
Pirate rug in my reading center
Reading area....I will be making new Daily 5 Book Labels. I'm tired of looking at these:) I will post them in the next couple days, so look back!!!
Other Book Shelf
I have looked all summer for these. I saw them on someone's blog at the beginning of the summer. I finally found them at Wal-Mart. They are Elmer's Project Popperz. Great for writring on charts & making posters. They come in washable & permanent. There's 4 markers & 8 colors. 2 colors on 1 marker.
Dry Erase board & Dry erase crayons. Great for word work. I got a white board & a black board. It was BOGO free at Toys R Us on all Crayola prodeucts. I also bought no spill paint. All you do is fill the brush with water & can paint or write words.
Pirate picture frame (Oriental Trading). I am going to let them decorate the frame & take their picture in a pirate hat & eye badge the 1st day & then write the date on the frame.
Stickers to decorate the treasure box picture frame.
I got this idea from a friend, so I can not take credit but wanted to share b/c maybe you can think of something like it to go along with the theme in your room or if you are doing beach, pirate you could use it. This is a Message in a Bottle (Oriental Trading) I will have my students write 2 things they would like to accomplish in 1st grade. We will seal the bottle & I will put them somewhere save & tell them we will open them in the 3rd quarter for Student Led Conferences to share with their parents & see if they accomplished their goals. Also a great way to get the kids there b/c they will be so excited (hopefully) to open their bottles!!!
The bottle all done. FYI...the bottom screws off to get the paper & tie out. I will give you all a laugh I did try for at least 5 minutes to figure that out.
As summer is quickly ending I hope everyone has a relaxing last couple weeks. I hope to lay by the pool & read my Nicolas Sparks book, Safe Haven, before school starts b/c once it starts there is usually NO time for personal enjoyment reading. Have a great rest of the weekend:)
Cute stuff! Here's a pirate coloring page for your back to school night...
I changed the text to say Back to School Night, but you could create one for each child w/ their name.
Have a great school year!
Nicola @ Twisty Noodle