Wow.... where did October go!!!!!! Only 2 more school days this week then off till Nov. 1st & the end of the 1st quarter. Boy oh Boy have my little 1st graders grown a lot. Here are some cool Halloween activities we have been doing this week.
Eyeball Words
You need eyeball ping pong balls (Party City $1.00), 2 bags & recording sheet. Students make nonsense or real words. They pick 1 eyeball from the vowel bag (vowels are written in red) & pick 2 eyeballs from the consonant bag. Here are some pictures I took of the activities.
Here is where you can get the recording page for free!!!!
Halloween Science
Bucket at Micheal's, Grows Me at Dollar Tree, Magnifying Glasses. Put the grow me in the water & see what happens. Have your little scientist observe what happens over the course of a couple days. Plus I just picked up glow in the dark gloves to handle the grow me!!!
I added the page as an extra effect. You can get the page
Now for what we have been doing in the class this week...LOTS of ASSESSING!!!!! No no pictures. I do have pictures of us picking out out pumpkin seeds.
Tomorrow is Math Assessments & then Thursday is FuN HaLlOwEeN activities. We are going to have the candy corn bandit join us (Thanks to the Inspired Apple) & many Halloween centers. Look for pictures over the weekend.
Now to my most exciting new bottle cap necklaces. Love the 1st Grade Rocks!!!!
The infamous scarecrow....we decorated "her" after we got back from the pumpkin patch.
Have a wonderful rest of the week......tomorrow is my ALMOST Thursday, since no school Friday!!!!